
 2024 Lobby Day and Rally for School Funding!

On Monday, February 19, we held our first ever Fund Our Schools lobby day at the state capitol. Over 100 participants joined us to visit dozens of legislators and urge them to support fully and fairly funding our public schools.…

Our statement on the House and Senate proposed budgets

Strong, well-supported public schools are vital to ensuring that every child in every zip code is able to pursue their educational and career ambitions. The House and Senate budget proposals that were released today make strides in better supporting Virginia’s…

Legislative updates at crossover

Tuesday was crossover for the Virginia General Assembly, which is when the bills that have been passed by one chamber “cross over” to the other one for consideration. On Sunday the House and Senate will announce their proposed budgets. Many…

Statement on the Governor’s Proposed Budget

The governor’s proposed budget was released yesterday and includes a number of changes in state support for Virginia’s students. Unfortunately, the governor’s proposal does not appear to make any significant progress toward funding the critical needs of our students and…

School funding in the new budget

After many months of waiting through complicated and contentious negotiations, a state budget was finally signed into law on Thursday, September 14th! The budget includes some important investments in our public schools, including progress on items that we have been…

Our letter to the VBOE on the Standards of Quality

Below is the letter that we sent on July 19th to the Virginia Board of Education with our recommendations for revisions to the state Standards of Quality. You can also see a pdf version here. Dear Members of the Board,…